Friday Fury

On your quest to cure your thirst, your precious beverage is stolen by the evil frog gang leader Frogsta and your apartment has been overrun by the frog gang. Rise up, clear each of the floors and eradicate Frogsta to claim your prize!


Player Movement - W,A,S,D

Player Shooting - Mouse-Click

Player Interaction - Press E

Main Menu:

This is the main menu for Friday Fury, it has one button "Enter" that lets the player enter the game and start playing as well as displaying their high score.

Game Screen:

When the player clicked ENTER they get played an introduction cutscene and spawned into the first level with the main protagonist. The protagonist is positioned on one side of the room and must make his way through each room and area shooting the frogs by clicking the left mouse button as well as moving with the W,A,S,D keys. As the protagonist is being controlled their health and score are displayed at the top left of the game screen. The player can also interact with the elevators to be taken to the next level. Once the player reaches the end of the game they are taken back to the main menu unless they have been killed by the frogs, in that case, they are taken to the GAME OVER screen.

Game Over Screen:

Once the player has been killed a screen pops up saying game over and giving the player a chance to retry the game and get a further and a better score. 

Development log

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